After 5 years of divisive debate the congregation of Milton Christian Church engaged Tate Engineering to lead them to a decision on two options, build new or renovate. The answer, do both. Saving the 200 year old sanctuary and relocating it on the same property provided the congregation with the safety, security and access they needed while enabling the congregation to retain the spirit of the structure.

Once relocated a total renovation and rehabilitation process began. The structure now meets all modern day codes, is very well insulated and acts with dual purpose as the design lends itself to community use. With an ever shrinking congregation, the team was also required to future proof major decisions that are years off. The church property is now separated from the parsonage and the simple steeple can be easily removed which allows for alternate occupancies.

After a year in use congregation numbers have grown, the mortgage paid off, usage is up considerably, comfort of the space improved and all of this has been accomplished with a 70% reduction in energy bills.

AuthorTate Web Admin